Is This a Conversation or a Captive Audience Experience? The Alleged ‘Conversationalist’ & Their Toxic Tactics

One of the problems with being an empath is that people can smell it on you & they cannot wait to dump their emotional crap off on you.

So, let’s call him Mike*, a generally harmless guy I met over a year ago. We immediately hit it off but I noticed his consistent tendency to yammer on endlessly. And not in the endearingly awkward but sweet way of someone trying to find the right words to express themselves.

No, he tells back-to-back long-winded sagas.

He purposely ignores social cues & communicates in a way that leaves little to no room for comment or reaction. A conversational bully, if you will.

I don’t do well with people like that. Self-expression is a must for me.

Many of his ‘conversations’ center around past trauma that has seeped into the bones of his soul & settled there like stale relics, obtrusively blocking him from exploring any growth or healthy emotional connections.

I no longer have any romantic interest in this man, but he’s decided to reconnect with me via email (I blocked him from my phone).

Once, I gingerly asked him if he’d thought about therapy or medication (since he kept bringing up his childhood & young adulthood trauma & loss) and this man had the gall to chuckle and delusionally state, “I don’t need that. Besides, I tried it once after everything happened and it didn’t help.”

But you think your way can?????? Lmao!

To add insult to injury, he hit me with the made-up stories. No, I can’t prove the stories are made up, but my intuition is rarely wrong about liars. These modern-day fairy tales always, always, always make him the hero.

So, I’m supposed to believe you routinely go around saving lives but you can’t even free yourself from your mental prison?


Outside of a few highly trained professionals, who is saving lives multiple times?? Give me a break!!

Some of you, in your efforts to assuage your emotional pain, actively push people away with these toxic tactics.

So, although I realize some of these feelings stem from restlessness, mental discomfort, & possibly an inept mental health practitioner (see, I’m giving him a freebie), I simply don’t care anymore.

Baby, when you make an empath go cold, you’ve done a LOT.

You & your ilk will be relegated to the email of my consciousness & the backburner of my life.

