Bad News for Red Pillers: Encouraging Men to Forego Marriage & Commitment Will Negatively Affect Their Health

It’s relatively old news that married men live longer while women have to be more discriminating to reap the benefits of marriage. But I find this article particularly…well, entertaining because it flies in the face of woman hating self-proclaimed relationship ‘gurus’ such as Kevin Samuels and other grifters who spend their days spitting nails at women but will not, for the life of them, stop talking about us.

These people churn out a seemingly endless amount of content that constantly laments the ways of ‘modern women’. They come up with a bottomless chasm of gripes about all things female. Weird stuff, man.

Now at some point, I began to recognize all of this for exactly what it is: mental illness, lack of purpose, feelings of powerlessness, emotional ineptitude, extreme sexism and projection.

These people are seriously their own worst enemies. I just love when science comes through with reciepts:

“We have found a significant association between partnership breakups or years lived alone and inflammation for men only, after adjustment for selected confounders,” said Dr. Karolina Davidsen, research associate in the Department of Public Health at University of Copenhagen and publishing author of the study. “In women, we find no such effect.”


While there is absolutely nothing humorous about illness, loneliness, or heartache, I do find it immensely satisfying and ironically freaking sweet that there is more research that specifically states that being in a relationship with a woman will improve the state of men’s health. Just being in a romantic relationship with one of us. It doesn’t even have to be a good relationship.

Ah, if only I’d known all of this before, when I didn’t understand the ways of sexism and misogyny, when I took all the insults about my marital and relationship status personally when I internalized all that darkness and started to believe I wasn’t good enough, that I was the problem.

Only to find out, I’m the solution. Gee, I guess time really does heal all wounds.

High-Value Men, Low-Grade Dental Hygiene & Scrapping & Surviving

It’s disheartening and frustrating that ‘men’ like Kevin Samuels have over a million followers and growing. It’s really mind-boggling that women continue to sit there and let a man verbally abuse them.

But Kevin Samuels and his ilk have no other discernable skills which is precisely why they use the plight of (mainly) single black women (only black women, isn’t that interesting?) to line their pockets. Thanks to male privilege, he’s earning quite a bit more than he did when he filed (or did she?) for one of his divorces years ago with a declared income of just under $900 per month.

I can’t really stop these types of conversations, but I sure as hell can respond to the constant online vitriol towards women and girls. Our voices and our opinions matter. Facts for the win.

