Anxiety, You Make Me Sick…

I’m using emoji’s because I’m too lazy to find free images:)

Like a lot of people, my sinuses have been bothering me like crazy.

Just to be on the safe side, I tested myself for C-19 but that wasn’t it.

Thank God.

I figure it’s either allergies or a sinus infection because I can feel the sinus pressure plus I’m coughing, so I try a host of over-the-counter sinus & allergy pills from my stockpile; two different Walgreens brand sinus pills, an Amazon brand sinus pill, ceterizine, Benadryl & not to mention Mucinex along with Vicks Vapor Rub. I was desperate, y’all.

None of those moved the needle forward at all. I couldn’t get the coughing to stop or the phlegm to break up.

Then, I remember I have a prescription cough medicine from 2023. I popped one, figuring I’d be able to get some sleep.

No dice.

I start to freak out a bit, thinking I may have to go to the doctor (I’ve had enough of doctors over the last few months, but that’s another story) but then I remember something else; about six weeks prior, I felt the same symptoms. Now, that could be somewhat of a good omen because the symtpms eventually dissipate. But it also spoke to a possibly recurring issue.

I notice that since I have hay fever, I fell into the bad habit of ‘just dealing with it’ for the sake of going on with my daily routine…until I’m forced to stop in my tracks.

But the six weeks, a relatively short period, makes me think — perhaps I ought to try something different. The only time I feel relief is during a hot shower or bath and when I boil water and inhale the vapor, so it stands to reason I need a humidifier.

It’s helped immensely & I use it every day, along with saline nasal spray (why didn’t I have this before?!) The air in my apartment must be really dry…or something.

But I want to nip this in the bud so I keep looking.

Anxiety & Stress

But what does nasal obstruction have to do with anxiety? Some research suggests a link between these two conditions. For example, a study published in the International Forum of Allergy & Rhinology found that patients with chronic rhinosinusitis and nasal obstruction were more likely to experience symptoms of anxiety and depression. — (

I think about my career; there have been a lot of ups & downs over the last couple of years but I’m now successfully self-employed. But dealing with certain clients and personality types takes a lot of energy & I’m not doing enough to replenish it. Which I’m sure affects my immune system.

Addistionally, I think about how I was anticipating a lean January (it wasn’t). But anxiety doesn’t make sense & anticipating negativity or lack, especially financially, still takes a toll emotionally.

So although I’ve known about the benefits of meditation & deep breathing for a few years now, I’m recommitting myself to those activities because apparently, my body requires me to do so. I feel so much better when I do.

Kind of ironic if you ask me, but hey, whatever works at this point.

