A Fine Line Between Constructive Criticism & Censorship


As an American woman, I believe in the freedom of speech.

A world-famous artist, we’ll call her Fiance Knolls Coiter, recently stated that being an innovator “…often means being criticized, which often will test your mental strength.”

Well, duh. Art ain’t for the faint of heart.

Critics are a staple in the world of art.

Think of the biggest names in any field of art, and you will find they have their fair share of detractors or those who don’t connect with their message.

Constructive criticism-“Having useful and helpful effect rather than being negative and with no purpose.”-Oxford Dictionary

When, as a society, did we get to a point where artists are above criticism? How will they grow?

How can you reach your full potential without constructive criticism? (Do people still want to do that? Is that not in style anymore?)

And when did their collective egos become so fragile?

Why are so many of us willing to let celebrities censor our thoughts & opinions via social media & big media?

